Work With Me



Dramatic Work

For those who are looking to add a creative element to a meeting, conference, church service, or event. We can work from a specific topic or theme and I will write towards your audience. I can write a scene, monologue, or spoken word piece to be performed by myself, by your people, by my people, live or on film. 

Real Example: "We are coming to the end of a big season of change for our organization. We need some element of our global meeting to celebrate the end of this period while also acknowledging how challenging it has been on our team." I interview employees, pitch ideas, send over drafts, and craft a piece in response.

Reprised Work


For those who see something in my portfolio (more available upon request) that they think would suit their audience "as is." For a fee, I can grant you permission to use the script, video or we can arrange for it to be performed live.

Contract Writing

I also write blogs, curriculum, web copy, grants, and speeches. I can partner with you on a contract basis for whatever writing needs you or your organization may have. Samples available upon request.